Tag Archives | attention

Cell phones heat up brain tissue. They "cook" the brain.

Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention

Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention It makes sense to eliminate known triggers that impact learning and attention. Awareness of these triggers can lead to reduced toxic exposures and thus, can help provide optimum environments for academic improvement as well as prevention of future health problems. Our children’s academic success and health […]

May 24, 2014 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:General Resources and Services, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Other Devices w/ RF, Health Alerts: Smart Meters, Health Alerts: WIFI, International Electrosmog Prevention News, Public Health Alert, Solutions
Wifi is Unhealthy

Wifi, EMFs : Electrosensitivity (ES, EHS) physiologically explained at last

Wifi, EMFs : Electrosensitivity (ES, EHS) physiologically explained at last – 15/03/2012 FRANCE In 2007, a number of libraries employees in Paris complained about headaches, nausea… right after massive installation of wifi emitters in their offices. This led to a fight between Paris’ city hall and worker unions (giving way to the set up of […]

September 24, 2012 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Other Devices w/ RF, Health Alerts: Smart Meters, Health Alerts: WIFI

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