Why Stop Smart Meters?


Do you want an accurate, reasonably priced utility bill? Utility customers have noticed huge increases in their bill after a ‘smart’ meter is installed–in some cases hundreds of dollars more than usual.  Utilities claim the meters are accurate,but unexplained over-billing has featured in many negative reports, all around the US. Read more.

Do you value your health, and the health of your family and friends? Just as we’re learning that cell phones cause brain tumors, why are we installing the same technology on everyone’s homes, often with no right to opt out?  Thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ‘smart’ meter was installed.  Wireless technology is a public health hazard.  Smart meters can violate already high FCC limits on human exposure to microwave radiation, and are being installed even as people are developing “electro-sensitivity”.  There are also reports of ‘smart’ meter interference with pacemakers and other implants. Read more.

Do you value civil liberties and the right to privacy? When a ‘smart’ meter is installed, your utility has access to a treasure trove of information about your electricity usage, potentially compromising your privacy. Depending on the regulatory protections–and enforcement of those rules–in your state, they will be able to sell this information to a series of corporations and the government. Read the interview with the Electronic Frontier Foundation about how ‘smart’ meters violate privacy. Read how the ACLU in Vermont and the ACLU in Hawaii have both condemned the lack of consumer privacy protection.

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Do you care about wildlife and cutting carbon emissions?

Are you concerned about job losses in this anemic economy?

Are you in favor of fire regulations that put the safety of residents first?

Are you alarmed about the decline of our democracy and informed decision-making?


 Stop Smart Meters and CEP recommend:

SPEAK OUT!  Spread the word to friends and neighbors, put a NO SMART METERS sign in your front yard, demand the regulators and your local government TAKE ACTION, REFUSE installation, and DEMAND REMOVAL!

As of April 2012, more than 54 cities and counties in CA have demanded a moratorium.  Twelve have even criminalized smart meters.  More ways to take action here.

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