Get Those Wireless Baby Monitors OUT of the Nursery!

CEP Note: the following article is about the dangers of wireless baby monitors. CEP suggests that mothers keep watch on babies in the same way we have done for all time – in person! There is no good reason to do otherwise, particularly when the means to do so exposes the baby to toxic RF radiation. This is also emitted by cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi in your home, electronic notebooks, iPads, electronic reading devices, and smart meters. Keep these away from pregnant moms, babies, and children, especially!


Get Those Wireless Baby Monitors OUT of the Nursery!


“…informed parents are increasingly taking precautions to minimize their children’s exposure to any sort of microwave technology.

The fact is that the long term effects of microwave radiation on children’s developing brains is completely unknown.


What is known is that a child’s brain is not fully developed until about age 20 and until that time, the skull is thinner to permit its continued growth and development.  Hence, a child’s brain is extremely sensitive to the effects of any type of EMF radiation.

Wireless Baby Monitors:  The Elephant in the Nursery

While most parents would agree that installing a cell phone tower next to a school would be dangerous and definitely not a good idea, many of these same parents are unaware of the very similar danger posed by a baby monitor, a device ironically designed for child safety!”

for the entire article click here

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