…Electrosmog Definition, Bioeffects, Sources, and Solutions

Electrosmog:  invisible, harmful electromagnetic radiation pollution

Sources: utility smart meters, cell towers & antennae, cell phones, cordless phones, wireless Internet routers, microwaves, high voltage transmission lines, baby monitors and other wireless devices, including WIFI, computers, monitors, laptops, tablets, reading devices, computer monitors, wired and wireless cell phone headsets, and educational interactive whiteboards, all things wireless, and more…

Impacts: humans, pets, wildlife, insects, plants, with biological and/or health effects

According to researchers, RF radiation has been associated with:

Genetic damage including mutations, DNA fragmentation, and structural breaks; tissue repair damage; tinnitus (ringing of ears) and acoustic neuromas; immune system dysfunction including allergic, inflammatory, and hypersensitivity responses; fatigue; nausea, breathing and sinus problems; sinus swelling; cardiac symptoms including palpitations and heart attack; muscle and joint pain and weaknesss; skin disorders including rashes, itching, burning; sensitivity to sunlight; heaviness / pressure in head; reproductive defects including reduced fertility and miscarriage; Neurological degeneration including increased blood-brain barrier permeability and damage – associated with cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Altzheimers, Parkinsons and ALS; possible links to autism; headaches, dizziness, tremors, cognitive effects: decreased memory and attention, sleep disturbances, visual (vision) disruption; Nervous system dysfunction; developmental effects; behavioral and hyperactivity effects in children; depression and emotional effects and more…

The above can increase risks for developing various diseases, including cancer.

Electrosmog can harm unborn babies and children, as they are more susceptible, but everyone should take precautionary steps.

For an extensive list of EMF and RF World Concerns of scientists and authoritative bodies, go to: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/?p=116

For more info on RF research and position statements go to our Public Health Alerts drop-down menu and www.bioinitiative.org.


Evaluate – test – research

Remove -Avoid

Reduce – Shield – Opt-out

Use wired not wireless

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Copyright Center for Electrosmog Prevention 2011-2019